Too many songs about CATS
This project is supported by my Patrons. With all the changes in the music “business” this is pretty much the only way for a creator to keep going. If you want to help me keep going please become a Patron today.

The songs so far

Mission statement
I like cats. A lot.
I shall write a lot of songs about cats.
Here are some pictures of my cats
The wall of support
This is a list of all my wonderful Patrons
Terrific Tigers
Victoria Morris
Rebecca -firefly-
Angela & Rob
David Lyall
Geneva Standbridge
Tony Rood
Fantastic Furballs
The Manna Chronicles
Sean Pendlebury
Susan Benzer
Valerie McCormack
Martin Ouellette
Ben Darrah
Angela Brett
Tim Scott
Juha Sorva
Cool Cats
Ellie Connor
Caleb Clever
John Cotter
Carolyn Ibis
Laura Brown
Mala Teeluck
Francis Klincewicz
John Ross
Zesty Cactus
BJ Muntain
John Chadwick
Fluffy Kitties
Mark Leiren-Young
Carin Headrick